If you have family pets or small children, there is a good chance that accidental carpet stains are something you are very familiar with. From ink, to punch, to mud, and dirt, your carpets are exposed to all types of substances every day.
Out of all of them, urine is one of the toughest stains that you might have to deal with. There are a number of different ways you can approach getting urine stains out of your carpet. In this article, we will take you step-by-step through each of these methods.
Make sure to always conduct a spot removal test on a part of the upholstery or carpet that is not usually visible.
The first method of removing urine stains from your carpets involves using liquid dishwashing detergent.
Although we all love our dogs and cats, we definitely don’t love the stains that they are left behind whenever they have an accident. Fortunately, there are fairly fast ways to get rid of dog urine out of your carpet.
If you have been away from your house for a couple of hours, there is a good chance that your urine stain might have sat for a while. It is very important to clean it up right away as soon as you find it. If you wait for too long, then the bacteria might start to grow within the affected area, and that can result in bad odors.
The following is one method for eliminating dog urine from your carpet: